BS/EN 485-2-2016 pdf download.Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Sheet , strip and plate Part 2 : Mechanical properties.
This BS/EN 485-2 specifies the mechanical properties of wrought aluminium and wrought aluminium alloy sheet, strip and plate for general engineering applications.
It does not apply to semi-finished rolled products in coiled form to be subjected to further rolling (reroll stock) or to special products such as corrugated, embossed, painted, sheets and strips or to special applications such as aerospace, can stock, finstock, for which mechanical properties are specified in separate European Standards.
The chemical composition limits of the alloys are specified in EN 573-3. Temper designations are defined in EN 515.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for Its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 13195, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Specifications for wrought and cast products for marine applications (shipbuilding, marine and offshore)
ASTM G66, Standard Test Method for Visual Assessment of Exfoliation Corrosion Susceptibility of Sxxx Series Aluminium Alloys (ASSET Test)
ASTM G67, Standard Test Method for Determining the Susceptibility to Intergranular Corrosion of Sxxx Series Aluminium Alloys by Mass Loss After Exposure to Nitric Acid (NAMLT Test)
3 Requirements
The mechanical properties shall be in conformity with those specified In Clause 4 or those agreed upon between supplier and purchaser and stated on the order document.
4 List of alloys with mechanical property limits
4.1 General
Table 1 to Table 54 contain mechanical property limits values obtained by tensile testing according to EN ISO 6892-1 after sampling and after sample preparation according to EN 485-1.
They also contain values of bend radius and hardness following sampling and test methods as described in EN 485-1. These values are for information only.
For some alloys they contain provisions related to intergranular corrosion, exfoliation corrosion or stress corrosion testing, see also EN 485-1.
4.2 Elongation
The Asomm value is the elongation measured over a gauge length of 50 mm and expressed in percent. The A value for elongation is the elongation measured over a gauge length of 5,65 (where S,, is the initial cross-sectional area of the test-piece), and expressed in percent.
4.3 List of alloys and their mechanical properties
Table 1 — Aluminium EN AW-1050A [Al 99,5] 8
Table 2 — Aluminium EN AW-1070A [Al 99,7] 10
Table 3 — Aluminium EN AW-1080A [Al 99,8(A)I 12
Table 4 — Aluminium EN AW-1200 lAl 99,0] 14
Table 5—Aluminium EN AW-1350 lAl 99,5] 16
Table 6 — Alloy EN AW2014 [Al Cu4SIMgJ 18
Table 7 — Alloy EN AW-2014A [Al Cu4SiMg(A)j 20
Table 8 —Alloy EN AW-2017A [Al Cu4MgS1(A)J 22
Table 9 — Alloy EN AW-2024 [Al Cu4MglI 24
Table 9— Alloy EN AW-2024 (Al Cu4MglJ 24
Table 10—Alloy EN AW-2618A [Al Cu2Mgl,5N1] 25
Table 11 — Alloy EN AW.3003 (Al MnlCuI 26
Table 12— Alloy EN AW-3004 (Al Mn1Mg1 28
Table 13— Alloy EN AW-3005 [Al MnlMgO,5J 30
Table 14— Alloy EN AW-3 103 [Al Mnhj 32
Table 15 — Alloy EN AW-3 105 [Al Mn0,5Mg0,5 34
Table 16— Alloy EN AW-4006 [Al SI1FeJ 35
Table 17— Alloy EN AW-4007 [Al Si1,5MnJ 36
Table 18— Alloy EN AW-4015 [Al SI2MnJ 37
Table 19— Alloy EN AW-4115 [Al Si2MnMgCu] 37
Table 20 — Alloy EN AW-5005 [Al Mgl(B)J Alloy EN AW-5005A [Al 38
Mgi (C)j
Table 21 — Alloy EN AW-5010 [AIMg 0,SMnJ 41
Table 22 — Alloy EN AW-5026 [Al Mg4,5 MnSiFe] 43
Table 23 — Alloy EN AW-5040 [Al Mgl,5MnI 43
Table 24 — Alloy EN AW-5042 [AIMg 35 Mn 44
Table 25 — Alloy EN AW-5049 [Al Mg2MnO,8J 45
Table 26— Alloy EN AW-5050 [Al Mgi,5(C)] 48
Table 27 — Alloy EN AW-5052 [Al Mg2,5J 50
Table 28— Alloy EN AW-5059 [Al Mg5,5MnZnZrJ 53
Table 29— Alloy EN AW-5070 (Al Mg4MnZnJ 54
Table 30— Alloy EN AW-5083 [Al Mg4,5MnO,7] 54
Table 31 — Alloy EN AW-5086 [Al Mg4] 57
Table 32 — Alloy EN AW-5088 [AIMgSMnOAJ 60
Table 33 — Alloy EN AW-5154A [Al Mg3,5(A)j 61
Table 34 — Alloy EN AW-5182 [Al Mg4,5MnO,4J 63
Table 35 — Alloy EN AW-5251 [Al Mg2MnO,3] 64
Table 36 — Alloy EN AW-5 383 IAI Mg4,5Mn0,9 66
Table 37— Alloy EN AW-5449 [Al Mg2MnO,8(B) 68
Table 38— Alloy EN AW-5449A [Al Mg2MnO,8(C)J 69
Table 39 — Alloy EN AW-5454 [Al Mg3MnJ 70
Table 40 — Alloy EN AW-5456 [Al Mg5Mnl] 73
Table 41 — Alloy EN AW-5657 lAl 99,85Mg 11 74
Table 42 — Alloy EN AW-5754 [Al Mg3] 74
Table 43 — Alloy EN AW-6016 [Al Sil,2MgO,4J 77
Table 44— Alloy EN AW-6025 IAI Mg2,5S1MnCuI 77
Table 45 – Alloy EN AW-6056 [Al SilMgCuMnl 78
Table 46 — Alloy EN AW-6061 [Al Mg1SICuJ 79
Table 47—Alloy EN AW-6082 [Al SIIMgMn] 81
Table 48 — Alloy EN AW7010 [Al Zn6MgCu] 85
Table 49 — Alloy EN AW-7019 IAI Zn4Mg2j 88
Table 50 — Alloy EN AW-7020 lAl Zn4,5 MgI] 89
Table 51 — Alloy EN AW-7021 [Al ZnS,5MgL5] 91
Table 52 — Alloy EN AW-7022 [Al Zn5Mg3Cuj 91
Table 53 — Alloy EN AW-7075 IAI Zn5,5MgCuJ 92
Table 54 — Alloy EN AW-801 1A [Al FeSi(A)j 95.BS/EN 485-2-2016 pdf download.

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